It’s was great day to be driving to the office. The sun was shining, traffic was a breeze, and your favorite music was blasting as you tapped out the beat on the steering wheel. You turned the corner, and then… you saw something that you will never get out of your mind. Crowds, mostly your employees, were standing on the street… huddled, pointing, shielding their faces from the horror.

With a jerk, you stopped the car, and ran frantically towards the building where your livelihood was engulfed in flames. Sirens, firefighters and bystanders shook their heads as the flames overcame the entire building. Looked like arson, they said.

Your first instinct was to ensure that everyone was safe and accounted for, and then reality hit. You hung your head in hopelessness. Everything you had worked for was in that building, and now it had vaporized. Nothing
but ashes was left.

What will you do now? How can you possibly move forward? The options seemed futile.
And as you raised your head, you saw the building across the street. Intact, perfect size, perfect location, and “available”. You and your employees were safe, the business was insured, and you could begin again! Hope had returned.

Right now, you had time to rethink your business and how that would take form. This was going to take some serious consideration; as you really could begin again, without repeating any mistakes from the past.

However, you knew you had to answer some pretty deep questions. Before you could begin, you knew you had to seek a quiet, peaceful space for you to think calmly. Somewhere where you could draw on your creativity, leadership and solutions. You needed to answer those tough, but necessary questions before
you could even think of rebuilding again.


Some of the challenging questions to ask yourself would be:


  • Do I need to re-evaluate my business purpose and if so, what is the redefined purpose of my business?
  • What values and goals will I want all my leaders and employees to encompass
  • What changes do I need to make?
  • What have I done in the past, that I no longer need?
  • What do I need to do now, that I have not used in the past?
  • Who, out of all my staff, do I want to bring with me and who needs to be left behind
  • What relationships do I want to continue and what do I want to give up?

I’d like to ask each of you to consider a critical thought, especially if your business has been affected by the Covid-10 virus. Instead of jumping into a “new” opportunity without a solid foundation and plan, perhaps
now is the opportunity to take the necessary time to think and prepare for everything that will embrace what you want for your new business.

Rethink • Respond • Rebound

As you change, rebuild, start over, or consider your business purpose, having an informed consultant is key to removing some of your stress. Surely during this pandemic and business misfortune, you may need to focus on where to start and where you need to go from there. I would welcome an opportunity to listen to your dreams and your vision and to offer some thoughts on how to create a solid new foundation for growth.

I work with business owners, like you, who need to rebuild with a strong foundation, purpose and a team
who will stay with you for the long haul. Ask me how.

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